About the Press

A. Focus and Scope

Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan is an online platform to disseminate electronic books. The editorial publishes works in the domain of Agricultural and Biological Sciences.


B. Open Access Statement

Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan adheres to different initiatives that promote free access to knowledge. Therefore, all contents of Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan are free and open access and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 license.


C. Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan doesn't have any fees for the submission, revision nor publication of works.


D. Originality of Submissions Policy

A work will be considered original when it is free of plagiarism and is 90% written by the author's text. That is, the percentage of textual citations from other authors should not exceed 10%.

About plagiarism

Plagiarism definition

Research Integrity Office (n.d.) indicated that plagiarism is copying the text of other authors, without giving them adequate credit, and passing it off as your own. In other words, plagiarism is stealing someone else's text and passing it off as if you had written it yourself.

Types of plagiarism

Voluntary plagiarism: submissions may contain issues of willful plagiarism when authors completely forget to credit other authors' text. That is, when portions of the submission's text appear to have been written by the author. However, this text has a headline that is not the author of the submission. The editorial will not consider as an original work a submission in which problems of voluntary plagiarism are detected. The author will be notified immediately so that the author can make the necessary corrections within a period of no more than 1 week.

Involuntary plagiarism: submissions can lead to problems of involuntary plagiarism, when authors incorrectly cite the text of other authors. For example, when the author of the submission passes off verbatim quotes from other authors as narratives. The editorial will not consider as original work a submission in which problems of involuntary plagiarism are detected. The author will be notified immediately so that the author can make the necessary corrections within a period of no more than 1 week.

Plagiarism that falls into copyright infringment: submissions may contain material that is protected under copyright. For example, a logo or image protected by copyright. Reproducing this material may violate copyright if the author does not have permission from the owner of the material. If this problem is detected in the submission, the author will be asked to omit this copyrighted material or provide permission to reproduce it. The author will have 1 week to present a solution to this problem.

Self-plagiarism: submissions may have self-plagiarism problems. That is, when authors reuse materials written by them that are already published in their submissions. However, they do not give them proper credit despite having been written by them. The editorial will not consider a submission in which self-plagiarism problems are detected as original work. The author will be notified immediately so that the author can make the necessary corrections within a period of no more than 1 week.

Non-plagiarism: common domain phrases popularly used in works are not considered plagiarism. That is, denominations that cannot be written any other way. Ex.: The descriptive quantitative methodology…The Political Constitution of the Republic of…

Tools to detect plagiarism

The editor will use Turnitin's similarity detection tool. This tool allows the detection of similarities. That is, coincidences of words in the submission with those contained in already published works. These similarities or coincidences of words may or may not fall into plagiarism. The editor will be in charge of reviewing the submission similarity report. The editor will take as a reference the recommendation of Turnitin (s.f.) when indicating that the similarity index of the work is not greater than 25%. However, this index is not a direct indicator of plagiarism. A submission may contain a similarity index of less than 25% and contain plagiarism problems. Therefore, the editor will evaluate in detail to determine if the similarities found fall into the different types of plagiarism described above.

Decisions related to submissions with plagiarism detected

The editor will not accept a submission containing the plagiarism issues described above. However, the author will be given the opportunity to correct any plagiarism problems that are present in their submission. If the plagiarism problems described above are detected, the author will have the opportunity to correct these problems within a period of no more than 1 week.

However, the editor may reject a submission in which plagiarism is detected in more than 2/3 of the work or if there are plagiarized results from other published works that the author cannot justify. The publisher will notify the author of any of the problems described above. The editor will ask the author to respond within 1 week and provide an explanation. If he does not respond or cannot explain any of the problems described above, the editor will reject the submission.

Complaints about plagiarism in published works

The editorial will take seriously any complaint submitted by readers, researchers or third parties regarding plagiarism problems in published works. If a complaint is received, the editor-in-chief will open an investigation and the author will be contacted to expeditiously resolve the problem raised.

Duplicated publication

No work submitted to the books' website must have been previously published or have been submitted simultaneously to another editorial. If it is detected that the same work has been published in another editorial, the work will be retracted and a retraction note will be added explaining that the author duplicated the publication.


E. Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The publication of works in Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan constitutes a process of permanent knowledge production. The books' website promotes the publication of open access digital books. Furthermore, it considers that it is its duty to ensure the transmission of scientific knowledge, guaranteeing its rigor and quality, under an ethical commitment to the scientific and academic community. The protocols and guidelines described here are good practices commonly practiced in publishers of international prestige. In this line, the Code of Conduct that, for editors of scientific books, has been established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is taken as a reference.


Duties and responsabilities
Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan is committed to:

• ensure the quality of the scientific material published
• ensure freedom of expression
• maintain the academic integrity of its content, ensuring that the material it publishes conforms to internationally accepted ethical standards.
• be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.


Authors' duties
Authors must guarantee authorship of the documents they present. Authorship belongs to those who have made a significant contribution to the work. If the work has significant contributions from more than one author, they must be listed as co-authors.
Authors must provide contact information to facilitate communication from other researchers regarding the published work. These data will be disseminated along with it.


Originality and plagiarism

Authors must guarantee that they have the rights that they present in their work, as well as that they have made use of the right to cite the work of other authors.
Those originals in which plagiarism is detected will be rejected. Likewise, an author must not submit originals that describe essentially the same work that he has already published in another work.



Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan is committed to responding promptly to complaints received. In any case, if the interested parties are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they have the right to raise their protests to other bodies.


Personal data protection

Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan guarantees the confidentiality of individual information. It is the ultimate responsibility of the authors to have the relevant authorizations for the use of the images and trademarks that appear in their works, as well as other personal data (age, sex, social level, etc.).


Follow-up of malpractices
Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or inappropriate conduct. Manuscripts that raise concerns about possible misconduct will be rejected.
All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the work submitted for evaluation is rigorous and ethically appropriate.


Integrity and academic rigor
Whenever it is known that any published work contains material inaccuracies, misleading or distorted statements, it must be corrected immediately.
If any work is detected whose content is fraudulent, it will be removed as soon as it is known, immediately informing both readers and indexing systems.


Any author, reader or evaluator can send their complaints through Libros de la Editorial Agrícola Tuxpan's email:


F. Cookies policy


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A cookie is a small text file that websites install on the computer or mobile device of users who visit them. Cookies make it possible for the website to remember the user's actions and preferences (login ID, language, font size and other display preferences), so that the user does not have to reconfigure them when they return to the site or browse. its pages.

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G. Archiving policy and preservation of works

Archiving policy of works

Regarding the policy for archiving the submitted work: The publishing entity allows authors to archive the version of their submitted work on their website, institutional or prepublication repository. The author does not need to ask express permission from the publishing entity to archive these files. In addition, the author retains copyright ownership of the submitted version of his or her work. Likewise, the version of the work submitted will be under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). Likewise, there is no embargo period in the archiving of the submitted version of the work.

Regarding the archiving policy for accepted works: The publishing entity allows authors to archive the version of their accepted work on their website or institutional repository. The author does not need to ask express permission from the publishing entity to archive these files. The editorial body will allow the accepted version of the work to be archived on the books' website. In addition, the author retains copyright ownership of the accepted version of his or her work. Likewise, the accepted version of the work will be under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). Likewise, there is no embargo period in archiving the accepted version of the work.

Regarding the archiving policy of published work: The publishing entity allows authors to archive the version of their published work on any website. The author does not need to ask express permission from the publishing entity to archive these files. However, the only condition is that the author mentions the website as the place where the work is published. In addition, the author retains ownership of copyright over the published version of his or her work. Likewise, the published version of the work will be under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). Likewise, there is no embargo period in archiving the published version of the work.

Preservation of works

The works published in the books' website are preserved long-term in digital format. Digital preservation involves a series of processes and actions to ensure long-term access to content and that information is available in digital formats. Preservation periods vary according to each of the strategies implemented by the publisher.

  • Backup of the books' website: all the contents of the books' website, including the different versions of the works (submitted, accepted and published), are backed up weekly in a backup that is located on a server different from that of the books' website. In case of any failure, the backup of the books' website can be obtained within 1 hour.
  • Indices: indices preserve relevant information about the works such as their metadata. Likewise, there are other academic indexing databases that store electronic versions of works. The above allows the academic community to access copies of the books as an alternative. All articles published are accessible through Google Scholar
  • Self-Archiving Policy: Authors are allowed to self-archive different versions of their work (submitted, accepted, and published). In addition, it allows you to have a backup of the version sent and accepted on a prepublication server, author's website or institutional repository. In addition, it allows the author to make a backup of the published version of the work on any website as long as the books' website is mentioned as the place where it was published.

Preservation policy of books

The publisher considers it important that the content published in its editorial projects be preserved in the long term. Likewise, he believes it is essential that readers, researchers and authors can access content published digitally. Therefore, it is considered essential that its contents are periodically backed up in at least 2 different locations. These backups will be taken periodically each week on different servers that can be accessed by any member of the editorial team. Likewise, it will allow authors to self-archive their works following the guidelines set out in the archiving policy for the different versions of the works.